1890 - 1980 (90 years)
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Loading... Ploughing at Green Corner
The man ploughing on the hillside is was a casual ploughman named Jim Rettie, and the photo was taken by a photographer from a magazine called “Straight Furrow”. I (Aex Gregor#I632) was there when it was taken. Jim drove out from Masterton every day in a pneumatic tyred gig, goodness knows what time he left home in the morning. He had breakfast with us at Green Corner about 7am, after Degs came up to the house, having milked his five cows (by hand, of course.) Jim was an old Scotsman, and a great admirer of Peter Fraser, the Labour Prime Minister of the day. He liked to ride on the plough, sitting on a pillow made from a sugar bag stuffed with wool. A highly dangerous habit.
The horse team belonged to Degs.
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